HMRC Contact Number
Calls to this number cost 7p / minute plus your network operator’s access charge.
Opening Hours
Monday-Sunday: 08:00-18:00
With many different departments making up the structure of the UK government’s public-facing portfolio, it can sometimes be hard to keep track of who does what! The Department for Work and Pensions, or the DWP, can be confused with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). While HMRC handle tax for employers and those who are employed at home or via payroll, DWP is set up to assess and support poverty within the UK. The department is chiefly operated to ensure that those who require financial support receive it in a fair and judged manner, meaning that they are relied upon for all manner of welfare support and financial assistance by millions up and down the country. The DWP oversees many different departments and support areas, and we have therefore ensured to have included as many different helpful contacts for you as possible in building this guide.
While there are several different contact numbers for several different areas within the DWP, you can always get in touch for general support through the main DWP helpline on 0844 579 1493, where you will be connected to the departmental switchboard. However, to save on time and energy, you may be more inclined and indeed better off by calling the department or area you need to reach specifically. From pensions to child benefit, job seeking to disability welfare, there are many professionals and many DWP support services available for you through the variety of numbers we have collated for you.
What does the DWP do?
The DWP is tasked with analysing and combatting British poverty in a fair and reasoned manner. They support those who are struggling to find work, those who are to ill to do so, and those who have reached pension age and are therefore eligible for regular payments. The DWP are essentially responsible for the welfare sector of the government, largely responsible for judging claims, providing credit, analysing existing cases and ensuring that only valid claims are provided with financial support. The DWP helpline system is available for anyone struggling to fund their lives for various reasons – and they can be called at any time if you are in need of help with one or more areas of financial difficulty.
Some of the areas the DWP helps to cover include:
- Job seeking and unemployment benefits
- Pension payments
- Disability benefits and claims
- Maternity allowance
- Social fund enquiries
- Universal credit enquiries
- Carer benefits
- Child maintenance and associated benefits
This, of course, is the tip of the iceberg. DWP customer services are available to help people find financial independence however they can – in some cases, when even moving around can impact on their lifestyles and their ability to work, the department will be able to assess individual needs in terms of available benefits and what it will take to provide them with financial stability.
Why may I need to get in touch with the DWP?
You may only ever need to contact the DWP directly should you wish to make a complaint – which we will cover in further detail – but your best port of call is to look for the area of the division that best suits your specific concerns. You may need to call, for example, if you are claiming Disability Living Allowance and are to be moved onto the Personal Independence Payments (PIP) system. The PIP scheme is replacing much of the way through which benefit claimants receive money from the government, and it is therefore important that anyone claiming understands exactly what is to happen to their payments in the weeks and months to come.
This is just one of the reasons why people may call one of the many wings of the DWP. If, for example, you are separated from a partner and wish to make arrangements for child benefit or child maintenance services, you can do so by calling the relevant number (which you can find in our table provided further down this page). You may be acting as a carer, and may need financial support to be able to look after someone while you work a certain number of hours. Alternatively, you may be unemployed and are experiencing difficulty in finding work – the DWP will be able to advise on how universal credit and jobseeker’s allowance can help you, and how your local Job Centre Plus will be able to support you.
Keeping Informed
Above everything else, it is always important to keep the DWP informed on any changes that may occur in your circumstances. This is because your benefit levels can go up and down if aspects of your life change – for example, if you find a new job, if you recover from a long illness, or if your condition changes and you need to claim new benefits. The reason why it is important for you to keep officials informed on such changes lies in the fact that you may be penalised if you do not declare so.
Failing to declare significant changes to your family situation, your work or your health that may impact on the judgment of your claim may result in you being pursued by the DWP in terms of penalisation. It is never a good idea to leave matters where they stand as you will be risking a fine or further action if you neglect to make changes known to the relevant department. Once your life or working situation changes to the extent where your benefits may be impacted, it is recommended that you contact DWP immediately on 0844 579 1493 or the relevant departmental number you wish to get in touch with. Again, you will find all the DWP contact number information you may need in our below table – simply take a look and see which area is most relevant to your needs!
Other questions you may ask
How do I claim for benefits?
This is a fairly broad question that can be met with a simple answer – make sure you call your relevant DWP phone number. The best way to start a claim is always to get in touch with the department that handles your circumstances directly – you will then be forwarded any necessary paperwork, advised on what may happen next, and what will be expected from you. You will be fully advised each and every step of the way by DWP helpline staff.
What are PIPs?
PIPs are being rolled out to people on certain benefits in an effort to streamline the benefit system, and to ensure that everyone receives a fair and judged level of financial support and guidance. Therefore, anyone claiming certain benefits such as Disability Living Allowance will be informed via post as and when they will need to reapply. This will involve the completion of new forms and you may be required to attend a medical assessment.
Does DWP run Job Centre Plus?
The department works with the Job Centre to ensure that anyone claiming unemployment benefits is eligible to do so. Job Centre Plus is responsible for aiding UK citizens in finding work in their local area and relevant to their skills, while the DWP works behind the scenes to assess claims and to make payments as and where required. It is always recommended that you contact DWP or Job Centre Plus in the event of any need for assistance with job seeking claims.
How to complain
Unfortunately, it is a fact of life that there may be circumstances through which you need to make a complaint. As the DWP is split up into so many areas and divisions, there is no specific DWP complaints telephone number available at this time. This does mean, however, that you are encouraged to get in touch with frontline support through the dedicated DWP telephone number of your choice. Many problems and escalating concerns can be handled and addressed early on via telephone, meaning that you may not need to pursue escalation unless you feel you need to.
If you do need to get in touch with the DWP via other means, you are entitled to write to the department directly. Your complaint may need to be delivered to a specific section of the DWP support network, however – meaning that a call to DWP customer services may point you in the right direction with the relevant details to hand. We have, however, also included details on how to find written addresses for the DWP at the bottom of this page – along with information on how to contact the division’s general social media.
Other means to contact the DWP
You can find HMRC on Twitter here.View The Official GOV Site
Official Address
HM Revenue & Customs
PAYE and Self Assessment Complaints
Benton Park View
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ
United Kingdom
Opening Hours:
Phone: 0844 579 1493