Deposit Protection Service Contact Number

Calls to this number cost 7p / minute plus your network operator’s access charge.

Opening Hours

Monday-Sunday: 08:00-18:00

The DPS, or Deposit Protection Service protects deposits for tenancies in England and Wales. They offer a number of different schemes, both custodial and insured and allows its customers to choose the type of protection that suits them best. The DPS is authorised by the Department for Communities and Local Government and currently holds over 1.2 million deposits, averaging 1,500 new deposits submitted every day.

The DPS Contact Telephone Number

The quickest and easiest way to get in touch is to call the DPS customer service telephone number listed below.

The DPS customer service centre operates Monday to Friday from 8am-6pm and on Saturdays from 9am-1pm.

If you are calling from outside the UK, you can call 0844 579 1496.

Alternatively, you can fill out an online contact form, or send a letter to the DPS postal address.

DPS Complaints

If you ever feel that you are not satisfied with the service provided by the Deposit Protection Service, you can call the DPS customer services number listed above, or send an email to [email protected].

Custodial vs Insured

As mention previously, the Deposit Protection Service offers two schemes, Custodial and Insured. Below, we have listed the key points about both to help you decide which scheme is best for you.


  1. The Custodial scheme is available to you whether you’re a letting agent, a landlord or an organisation.
  2. It is absolutely free to use. There are no membership fees or other costs to worry about.
  3. Deposits are protected from the moment they are submitted, to the end of the tenancy.
  4. All funds submitted are protected and separated from other assets.


  1. There is a ‘fee per deposit’ charge with the insured scheme.
  2. There are no registration or annual renewal fees.
  3. You retain the deposit and it is protected for the duration of the tenancy,
  4. You may be entitled to volume discounts if you are a letting agent.

Jargon Buster

We understand that dealing with anything that involves the legal sector can be quite daunting. So for additional DPS support, why not take a look at this useful glossary that may help you understand the process more clearly?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use the DPS?

The DPS custodial scheme is open to all agents and landlords with no membership fees or qualifying criteria.

What constitutes a deposit?

A deposit taken for an Assured Shorthold Tenancy can consist of money and nothing else.

Is my deposit safe?

Yes, all monies submitted through the DPS custodial scheme are segregated from other assets and safeguarded.

How do I submit a deposit?

Firstly, you will need to register with the DPS. You will then need to fill out a Deposit Submission Form online. Alternatively, you can request to have one sent to your registered address.

How do I reclaim a deposit?

You will need to initiate the Deposit Repayment process via your online account.

Other means to contact the DPS

The Deposit Protection Service are on Twitter. Follow them here for more information.

Visit the official DPS site

Official Address

Deposit Protection Service

Department for Communities and Local Government

Bridgwater Rd



United Kingdom

Opening Hours:

Phone: 0844 579 1496

Click here for a bigger map.